For over 85 years AQ: Australian Quarterly has been packing its pages with the country’s most distinguished and passionate thinkers, tackling the big issues in science, politics and society. With longer-style articles written by those at the forefront of the debates, AQ is unique in bridging the gap between journal and magazine, combining the compelling writing of a glossy with the intellectual rigour of a journal. If it matters to Australia then it matters to AQ.
AQ: Australian Quarterly
SWITCHED-ON REPORT, SWITCHED-OFF CLIENT • The Samuel Review of National Environmental Law
Summary of the ‘Key Messages’ of Samuel Review
What Does the EPBC Act Do? • (omitting supporting provisions, including compliance, administration)
Old & Broken • What comes next for Aged Care?
The Registry of Senior Australians
Slouching Towards Jerusalem • Pentecostalism and the End Times
The Absentee Dissenters • A TALE OF TWO REPORTS