For over 90 years AQ: Australian Quarterly has been packing its pages with the debates that have shaped Australia and the world, tackling the big topics in science, politics and society. Grounded in evidence, yet written in a style accessible to everyone, AQ is unique in Australia’s publishing landscape, pushing back against the trends of subjective truth and media spin. If it matters to Australia then it matters to AQ.
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AQ: Australian Quarterly
Magnitsky Laws, Eisa Zarepour & Justice For Iran • In 2012 a PhD student arrived at the University of New South Wales to start his degree on nanoscale communication technology on a scholarship program funded by the Iranian government.
Fair Game: Lessons from Sport • With seven medals, Emma McKeon was the most decorated athlete across all sports in the Tokyo Olympics. With 2,806 pushups in an hour, Gold Coast fitness buff Jarrad Young set a new world record. With 178 medals, Australia topped the table at the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Yet Australia’s performance on the sporting field is not matched by some of our economic and social indicators.
Woodside Ecocide • Gassing the Future
BOOK EXTRACT: The Man Who Stood Up to Secret Power
"Secret Power. WikiLeaks and Its Enemies"
Coming Down From The Summit • Addressing Longer-Term Labour And Economic Imperatives
Burning Ambition • A book review of The Superpower Transformation
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