I by IMD offers first-person business intelligence from the brightest thinkers in academia, business and society. Written by experts for experts, we present a platform for debate on the latest issues in management, strategy, technology, finance, team building and innovation. Our content ecosystem is designed to spark conversation and deliver actionable insights to a broad and engaged global audience. We host conversations – via articles, comment pieces, videos and podcasts – about the latest issues in management. Whether ideas about companies or office politics, we aim to spark debate – you may not agree with everything you read here – and to deliver actionable insights to an engaged global executive audience.
My life as a rookie… exploring a world full of hidden potential
I by IMD
Imaginary jobs at fake firms: living in an age of illusion • Information technology can reduce the transaction costs of using markets. For labor markets, however, the costs have merely been transferred from business to workers, writes Jerry Davis
Adaptability, ambidexterity, and agility A new lexicon for talent development • Long-trusted ways of developing leadership talent are outmoded, argue Tania Lennon and Misiek Piskorski. Is it time for a radical rethink?
How to build a genius team • Successful executive teams must be led so they are productive, not destructive, says Merete Wedell-Wedellsborg. Take the test to see if your team is a championship challenger or a chug-along chump.
A launchpad for potential leaders
Support and accountability: empowering neurodivergent workers to succeed • Employees with cognitive differences have much to offer, but navigating the workplace can be a challenge. Uzma Waseem offers practical guidance on how employers can clear the obstacles to create a genuinely inclusive and productive environment for all
To become a better leader, learn to master emotions hardwired from childhood • We are all at the mercy of behaviors ingrained from our earliest years. Nik Kinley and Shlomo Ben-Hur offer practical steps to help you identify and overcome your emotions to reach your full potential
Potential reads to help you be a better leader • Howard Yu, LEGO® Professor of Management and Innovation at IMD, recommends six books that will inspire you and help maximize your talent
Saplings at my garden center are no match for mature specimens • Older workers have much to offer but don’t always get the chance to show it. Mixed-generation teams could help, writes Michael Skapinker
Cut out bias to unlock your team's full potential across the spectrum • Many employees are still typecast and denied the chance to show their true capabilities. Binna Kandola suggests ways that companies can combat a culture of bias
3 steps to inclusive leadership
Mend the broken pipeline to keep the talent supply flowing freely • Reimagining how we think about skills and untapped sources of talent will help to avoid a dystopian future of work, argues Cynthia Hansen
Ask the experts to help you widen the talent pool
Breadth or depth of experience: which should you prioritize? • Skills are becoming obsolescent faster than ever, and potential leaders are given little time to achieve mastery. So, asks Ric Roi and Tania Lennon, just how important is experience as a driver of career success?
Potential or performance? We should value and reward both • Organizations place too much emphasis on ‘high potential’ leadership talent at the expense of people who can deliver value in other ways, argues Peter Attfield
Here's a wizard idea: set free your inner Dorothy • It’s time to retire the word ‘empowerment’ so that women...