I by IMD offers first-person business intelligence from the brightest thinkers in academia, business and society. Written by experts for experts, we present a platform for debate on the latest issues in management, strategy, technology, finance, team building and innovation. Our content ecosystem is designed to spark conversation and deliver actionable insights to a broad and engaged global audience. We host conversations – via articles, comment pieces, videos and podcasts – about the latest issues in management. Whether ideas about companies or office politics, we aim to spark debate – you may not agree with everything you read here – and to deliver actionable insights to an engaged global executive audience.
Risks and rewards in the cyber age
No hiding place: 'bossware' is spying on you in the home, office and car • More than 500 technologies have been created to monitor employees and contract workers to ensure efficiency and compliance. It's a sinister turn of events, but there is a better way, argues Jerry Davis
Be brave: six ways to embrace the digital revolution • COVID-19 has speeded up technological change, but more needs to be done, writes Angelika Gifford, Vice President, EMEA, at Meta. Here she offers expert guidance on how to embrace the metaverse to enhance the success of your business and contribute to the good of society as a whole
CYBERSECURITY PROTECT AND SURVIVE • The volume and sophistication of cyberattacks are growing alarmingly. Organizations must work together to turn the tide, warns Öykü Ișik, head of IMD's Cybersecurity risk and strategy program
Five ways to plug the gaps in your digital security • 'Cybersecurity failure' continues to feature as a critical threat, so it is vital that senior leaders get serious about tackling the issue, writes Akshay Joshi
My never-ending war on the Internet parasites • Peter Bauer, co-founder and CEO of the cybersecurity company Mimecast, reflects on his company's acquisition by private equity firm Permira for $5.8 billion, what keeps him motivated after two decades, and why his native South Africa is a key market for developing talent
The stakes are high, so don't play Russian roulette with your security • Every part of your business is at risk, not just the IT system, and new regulations are opening the way to litigation and fines for those who do not put their house in order, write Jeanne Boillet, Salvatore Cantale, and Mitchell Scherr
5 of the biggest data breaches
The legal battle against cyber crooks should be national, not global • While the temptation exists to create an overarching international framework to combat cyber-risks, it is nation states that must be in the vanguard, argues Edite Ligere
Preventing security breaches must start at the top • Technology alone will not stop successful cybercriminals attacking your company. C-level executives must lead the way in planning, implementing and monitoring effective security initiatives, writes Dave Chatterjee
Testing 12345… are we ready to enter p@s$word-free future? • Weak passwords can cost a company millions of dollars, but more sophisticated alternatives that can greatly reduce the risk of a cyber-attack are rapidly gaining traction, data security expert Sandra Tobler tells Öykü Ișik
Securing the payments ecosystem: mitigating the threat from ransomware • Johan Gerber, who heads the security and innovation portfolio within Mastercard's Cyber and Intelligence division, defines his mission as protecting the global financial system from criminal attack. He explains to Öykü Işik the challenges facing the payments system and why he remains optimistic
Supply chains deliver a world of trouble • Manufacturers are for the first time bearing the brunt of cyberattacks. Defending a company's downstream supply chains is just as...